Monday, November 10, 2008

Obama Insults Rahm throughout the Roast

Due to the increased interest in this on Youtube, I must share this:

Hilarious jokes thrown by Obama throughout an old 2005 roast. If this guy wasn't a politician, he would make an excellent late night talk show host due to his charm and charisma.

Some of the Funny moments are: 1:30 ('only so many ways to say I'm going to rip your head off'), 2:33 (classic), and 5:01 is the BEST part.

Rahm Emanuel is Obama's new White House Chief of Staff. He is of Jewish religion. He has a reputation of swearing loudly in congress and being harsh with enemies. Once he sent a dead fish to the mailbox of a pollster that angered him. Rahm also used to be a ballet dancer (unusual for a politician) which Obama mentions briefly in this speech.

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