Saturday, November 29, 2008

Both Venus and Jupiter will appear on Monday night

See Jupiter and Venus along with the Moon as a "close conjunction between three bright solar system objects" around sunset. The view will be spectacular. According to MSNBC, even those not expecting to see such a thing will look up in amazement. Plus, you could something similar to that of the flags of some countries.

'In addition, there are juxtaposed crescent moon and star symbols that have appeared on the flags of many nations, including Turkey, Pakistan, Malaysia, Algeria, Mauritania, and Tunisia.

Also on Monday evening, you may be able to see the full globe of the moon, its darkened portion glowing with a bluish-gray hue interposed between the sunlit crescent and not much darker sky. This vision is sometimes called "the old moon in the young moon's arms." Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) was the first to recognize it as what we now call "earthshine."'

Read the full story here.

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